Tips To Make Your Clear Aligners As Invisible As Possible

Many people choose to straighten their teeth with clear braces. One of the many benefits of the aligners is the fact that they are nearly invisible. While this is true, the braces may be noticed by some people. If this is a concern of yours, then follow the tips below to make them appear as invisible as possible. 

Floss And Sip On Water Throughout The Day

When you first start wearing your aligners, you will be provided with a number of instructions that help you understand how to care for your braces. These instructions include removing the aligners when you eat and brushing your teeth before you slip the braces back into your mouth. This helps to remove food particles before they can become trapped under the aligners. The brushing removes debris that can serve as a food source for bacteria. Also, brushing releases the particles or debris that may be visible underneath the braces. 

If you have gaps in your teeth, then debris can hide in these areas. To keep food and plaque from gathering, floss your teeth at the same time that you brush. If you have the space in your purse or bag, then a portable water flosser may be the best option for cleaning.

If you have gaps in your smile, then you may also notice spaces in the aligners where saliva is able to gather. The saliva may sometimes appear foamy with bubbles that gather together, and this can be quite noticeable to others. 

If you have foamy saliva, then this is a sign that you are dehydrated. Specifically, the saliva is thicker and contains more mucus and proteins than it should. Start drinking more water throughout the day so your body can create thinner saliva. Water can also rinse the pockets of saliva out of the gaps in the aligners so others are less likely to notice the braces.

Make Sure The Aligners Fit Correctly

The fit, shape, and size of your aligners can contribute to how apparent they are when placed over your teeth. When your straightening plan is first developed, your dentist will take molds of your teeth. X-rays may also be used to determine how the clear aligners will be constructed to shift the teeth. The general size and shape of the teeth will be considered as well. When the aligners are made, they will fit snug on the teeth, but they will rest a millimeter or more from the gumline. This keeps the edge of the aligners from cutting the soft tissues of your mouth. 

In some cases, the aligners may sit too far down from the gums. This will create a distinctive line that can be seen when you smile. If the aligners are not tall enough, then speak with your dental professional. Subsequent aligners can be made that are a bit deeper. 

Some aligner sets also may not snap over the teeth all the way. When this happens, the aligners will sit lower than they are supposed to, and a gap will be seen underneath the teeth. This is a common, but it can enhance something called the halo effect. The halo effect occurs when you can see a distinctive border around the teeth. The thickness of the aligners and the way the light bounces off the plastic can cause the effect. However, the border is intensified when gaps or spaces appear between the aligners and the teeth. 

To reduce the halo effect, make sure the aligners sit tight against the teeth as soon as you get a new set. This may require biting down on the aligners to force them over the teeth. If you want to bite down without harming the clear braces or your teeth, then ask your dentist for some chewies. Chewies are small, round, styrene accessories that are meant to help you bite down gently to force your clear aligners into place. 

For more information on clear braces, check out websites like
