Common Causes And Treatment Options For Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can cause a tingling sensation or even pain when you eat or drink hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks. Sensitivity can affect only a single tooth or all of your teeth. Before a treatment plan can be recommended for your tooth sensitivity, you will need to schedule a dental office visit for a checkup. Here are some common causes of sensitive teeth and some effective treatment options your dentist may recommend.

Tooth Sensitivity Causes

One of the most common causes of sensitive teeth is acid erosion. Things that can contribute to acid erosion of your dental enamel include frequently eating or drinking highly acidic items such as citrus fruits and juices, coffee, and tea.

Acid reflux disease can also cause your dental enamel to erode when stomach acid is refluxed into your esophagus and throat. When this happens, your stomach acid can make contact with some of your teeth, which can cause the enamel to become thin, exposing the pulp and nerve.

Dental nerve exposure is what causes tooth sensitivity. Another common cause for sensitive teeth is the frequent use of home teeth bleaching products. If you want to whiten your teeth, consider getting a professional laser bleaching treatment at your dentist's office.

Tooth Sensitivity Treatments

Your dentist may recommend the use of a special remineralizing toothpaste to help strengthen your tooth enamel, which will help reduce your tooth sensitivity. Remineralizing toothpaste is available without a prescription, and while these products are effective in treating tooth sensitivity, it may take a few months before you notice any significant relief from your symptoms. If your acid reflux disease is causing acid erosion and subsequent tooth sensitivity, talk to your primary care doctor.

Taking acid reflux medications, avoiding trigger foods such as spicy foods, peppermint, chocolate, and citrus, and managing your weight can help prevent stomach acid from reaching your oral cavity and further damaging your tooth enamel. If the nerve of your tooth is exposed and causing sensitivity and pain, your dentist can bond the area with resin to help decrease your symptoms. If conservative methods are ineffective, your dentist may refer you to an endodontist, who may recommend a root canal procedure.

If you have sensitive teeth, see your dentist as soon as possible. Early treatment may help prevent further erosion of your dental enamel and decrease your pain so that you can enjoy your favorite foods and drinks again.

Contact a dentist for more information. 
