3 Reasons Your Braces May Hurt Your Oral Cavity

If you wear braces, then your orthodontist is monitoring your status on a regular basis. While routine tightening can lead to temporary mild discomfort, your braces and brackets should not be painful. There are, however, a number of health conditions that may cause oral pain, which may make your braces feel uncomfortable in your mouth. Here are three reasons your braces may hurt your oral cavity and what you can do about them.

Rheumatoid Arthritis 

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, your joints may be painful, inflamed, and possibly deformed. While rheumatoid conditions rarely affect your oral cavity, rheumatoid arthritis can affect your jawbones and the bones that support your teeth. Because of this, your teeth may hurt and it may be painful for you to open and close your mouth as a result of jaw involvement.

When rheumatoid arthritis affects your mouth, your braces may no longer feel comfortable; however, seeing your orthodontist on a regular basis will help ensure that changes in the bones inside your mouth are recognized and treated early. 

Sinus Infections

Another reason that your braces may irritate your teeth and gums is the presence of a sinus infection. If you have a sinus infection, inflamed sinuses can put pressure on the top row of your teeth.

This can cause toothaches and gum pain, and if not treated, can lead to orthodontia discomfort. If you develop nasal congestion, thick mucus production, forehead pain, pain under your eyes or cheeks, or a bad taste in your mouth, see your physician.

If he or she determines that you have a bacterial sinus infection, antibiotics will be prescribed. If, however, your sinus infection is thought to be viral in nature, your doctor will not recommend the use of antibiotics because they do little to treat viral infections. Once your sinus infection has cleared, toothaches and gum pain will also subside. 

Salivary Gland Dysfunction

If you develop salivary gland dysfunction as a result of autoimmune disease or otherwise, you may experience a dry mouth. Over time, a dry mouth can lead to problems with your teeth and gums, raising your risk for gingivitis and periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease. Periodontitis can cause bone destruction underneath your gum tissue and in your tooth sockets. If your periodontitis is severe enough, your orthodontist may need to remove your braces until your gums have healed. You may also be referred to a periodontist, a dentist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of gum disease. 

If you develop any of the above conditions while wearing braces, see your orthodontist. The sooner problems with your teeth and gums are recognized and treated, the less likely you will be to experience oral pain, bleeding gums, bone destruction, and toothaches.
