3 Ways To Protect Your Teeth From Cold And Flu

During the cold and flu season, your attention might be on avoiding illness altogether. You know that being ill could mean suffering symptoms ranging from sneezing to chills, but you might not realize that your mouth could be impacted by illness. If you do develop a cold or the flu this year, here are some tips to protect your dental health.

Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is difficult when you suffer from a cold or flu, but it is necessary to avoid dehydration. The chances of developing dehydration can increase while you are sick. Dehydration also increases the chances of dental problems occurring.

While sick with a stuffy nose, you will be forced to breathe out of your mouth. As you do, you can develop dry mouth. Dry mouth can lead to an increase in harmful bacteria in your mouth, which increases the chances that cavities and other dental problems occur.

To avoid this, you need to drink plenty of water. Water helps to keep your saliva production on track, which helps to reduce the chances of dry mouth developing.

Do Not Sleep with Cough Drops in Your Mouth

It can be easy to fall asleep with a cough drop tucked into your cheek. Even though the cough drop can help with congestion you have, it can be harmful to your teeth and gums and lead to serious dental problems.

Cough drops usually have large amounts of sugar. Even those that proclaim to be sugar-free have substitutes that can be harmful. If you fall asleep with a cough drop in your mouth, it can help increase bacteria growth and coat your teeth with a sticky substance.

After removing the cough drop before going to sleep, brush your teeth. While you sleep, your saliva production is decreased, which means the sugar can still cause damage.

Avoid Brushing Your Teeth at the Wrong Moments

While you are sick, your teeth are especially vulnerable. The simple act of brushing your teeth could be harmful if it is done at the wrong time.

For instance, if you vomit, resist the temptation to brush your teeth immediately after. Vomit is usually acidic, which causes your teeth enamel to weaken. Your enamel needs time to recover from the vomit. Simply rinsing your mouth and waiting a half hour can help protect your teeth from harm.

For more information, contact a business such as Legacy Dental Arts.
